Profile PictureBlythe Ayne

Save Your Life with the Phenomenal Lemon (& Lime)!

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If you’ve never particularly thought about lemons and limes, you may be astounded by some of what you’ll read in .

When you put the easy-to-accomplish, easy-to-understand suggestions into practice, you and your loved ones will experience improved health, heightened emotional well-being, increased longevity and pH balance.

Fresh-squeezed lemon and lime juice has antibacterial, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, antiviral, anti-fungal and antihistamine properties. It fights infections and helps in the production of white blood cells and antibodies in the blood, which attack invading microorganisms. The antioxidant property of lemons and limes destroys roving free radicals preventing cardiovascular disease, stroke, cancers, and a myriad other health issues.

Our lives are acidic – our diets are acidic, stress makes us acidic, contaminated environments are acidic. Lemons and limes, which are acidic outside of the human body, have the fantastic chemical process of burning to an alkaline ash inside the body, thereby significantly contributing to your all-important alkalizing balance.

Lemons and limes have been shown to contribute to significant weight loss, kill cancer cells, lower blood pressure, and lower the glycemic index of meals up to thirty percent when taken as suggested. These are but a few of the myriad ways in which lemons and limes augment your health, and stave off, or help you recover from, disease and illness.

Read to learn how fresh lemons and limes can . Includes informative, inspiring, first-hand testimonials, and numerous resources and references. 

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Save Your Life with the Phenomenal Lemon (& Lime)!

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